The destination for February 2015 was
{ Mexico }
And here are the YA & MG books we found...
The destination for March 2015 is...
{ Colorado, USA }
Some examples of YA & MG books set in Colorado:
Please send me links to your posts and reviews by Monday, March 30 so I can add them to the next { bon voYAge! } post!
Want to play? Here's how it works...
{ } At the beginning of each month, I'll post the name of a destination: a city, state, region, province, country, etc.
{ } Throughout the month, you can:
1. look for a YA or MG book (or books) set in that destination to share.
2. read a YA or MG book (or books) set in that destination and write a review.
{ } You can post the books you found or the reviews you wrote any time during that month. Just send me a link so I can link back to your post!
{ } At the beginning of the next month, I'll share everyone's books and reviews. Then I'll post another destination and we can start again! :)
Want to check out the books we've already discovered? Browse all the locations that we've explored on the { bon voYAge! } tab above!
Have a location you'd like to explore? Let me know in the comments here or on the { bon voYAge! } tab above!