{ bon voYAge! }

{ bon voYAge! } will be starting up again for 2020,
so please check back soon!

I love reading books that are set in different places, whether it's somewhere as familiar as a city in my own state or as exotic as a desert island halfway across the world. So I decided to start a new game where we can share, read, and review Young Adult & Middle Grade books that take us away, help us escape, and let us discover new destinations, all without leaving our own little book nooks.

Still not sure what this is all about? Basically, I'm trying to start a little database of YA & MG books that are set in different places around the world. And hey, why not make a game out of it? :)

Want to play? Here's how it works...

{ } At the beginning of each month, I'll post the name of a destination: a city, state, region, province, country, etc.
{ } Throughout the month, you can:
       1. look for a YA or MG book (or books) set in that destination to share.
       2. read a YA or MG book (or books) set in that destination and write a review.
{ } You can post the books you found or the reviews you wrote any time during that month. Just send me a link so I can link back to your post!
{ } At the beginning of the next month, I'll share everyone's books and reviews. Then I'll post another destination and we can start again! :)

What's the location for this month? Glad you asked!

The destination for March 2015 is...

{ Colorado, USA }

Some examples of YA & MG books set in Colorado:

Please send me links to your posts and reviews by Monday, March 30 so I can add them to the next { bon voYAge! } post! You can send them by email to pidginpea (at) yahoo (dot) com, or leave a comment here or on the { bon voYAge! } post.

Have a location you'd like to explore? Let me know in the comments, or email me at pidginpea (at) yahoo (dot) com!

Want to put a { bon voYAge! } button on your blog? I'd love that! Just copy and paste the code in the box below. I made the button using deviantART stock resources from SneakyTomato and artist00 and fonts from kevinandamanda.com.

{ Locations Explored }

{ Alaska, USA }
Young Adult

Middle Grade

{ Arizona, USA }
Young Adult

Middle Grade

{ California, USA }
Young Adult

Middle Grade

{ Florida, USA }
Young Adult

Middle Grade

{ Hawaii, USA }
Young Adult

Middle Grade

{ Kentucky, USA }
Young Adult

Middle Grade

{ New Jersey, USA }
Young Adult

Middle Grade

{ New York, USA }
Young Adult

Middle Grade

{ Texas, USA }
Young Adult

Middle Grade

{ Australia }
Young Adult

Middle Grade

{ Brazil }
Young Adult

Middle Grade

{ Canada }
Young Adult

Middle Grade

{ China }
Young Adult

Middle Grade

{ England }
Young Adult

Middle Grade

{ Italy }
Young Adult

Middle Grade

{ Japan }
Young Adult

Middle Grade

{ Mexico }
Young Adult

Middle Grade

{ Russia }
Young Adult

Middle Grade

{ Wales }
Young Adult

Middle Grade

Hey, wait! That book didn't take place there! Unfortunately I have not read all the books that we've found (yet!), so sometimes I have to try to determine the setting based on the synopsis or other readers' reviews. If I've made a mistake, please let me know in the comments or email me at pidginpea (at) yahoo (dot) com, and I'll fix it right away!


  1. Hi I am following you from Goodreads. Love the books you have read :-) . . .my link is http://kvlovesbooks.blogspot.co.uk/ if you would like to follow back xx

  2. Added your button to my blog. Love this idea and am making my list.
