About / Contact

This blog is currently on hiatus. 

Please visit me at my new blog,
the Peapod Historical Bookery
for reviews of all things historical in kidlit & YA!


{ Contact Info }

Jillian, AKA PidginPea
Email: PidginPea (at) yahoo(dot)com

{ A little about me }
I'm a reader and reviewer of kidlit for all ages. I'm a former archaeologist, museum tech, and assistant in Youth Services at a public library ... current MLIS student and stay-at-home mom to an energetic toddler. I'm also an arts & crafter, lover of citizen science and being out in nature, and a proud Ravenclaw.

{ A little about my reading preferences }
I review Young Adult, Middle Grade, and Children's books, as well as New Adult or Adult books with young adult appeal. I'll read pretty much any genre, but my favorites are historical fiction, fantasy, fairy tale retellings, gothic, and graphic novels/illustrated novels.

{ A little about my review policy }
I have decided not to post negative reviews on my blog. I'd rather spend my time and effort sharing books that I really loved, spreading the word about them and getting other readers excited to try reading them for themselves.

Here are my ratings:

{ I liked it! } = I thought this book was good! I may not buy it for myself but I enjoyed reading it. I would probably recommend it to others.

{ I loved it! } = I thought this book was great! I might buy it for myself since I will probably be rereading it. I would definitely recommend it to others.

{ I'm obsessed with it! } = I thought this book was amazing! It's now officially one of my favorite books! I immediately bought a copy for myself because I will be rereading it again and again! I shall be shouting about it from the rooftops for days and I am currently recommending it to everyone I come in contact with!

{ A little about my blog }
I get most of my books for review from NetGalley and Edelweiss, and once in a while from Goodreads Giveaways and LibraryThing Early Reviewers. I am accepting books for review from publishers. Please contact me by email at PidginPea (at) yahoo(dot)com for my mailing address. I post reviews to my blog, Goodreads, and Amazon, and I would be willing to post elsewhere if requested. I write honest reviews and do not accept payment for them. At this time, I am unfortunately NOT accepting self-published books for review.

{ A little about my blog content }
There are certain topics and genres that are really enjoyable and/or important to me, so I like to highlight those on my blog. Some of my favorites include:
  • picture book biographies (and nonfiction picture books in general!)
  • books about nature
  • books about different cultures
  • folk tales/fairy tales/tall tales from around the world 
  • books about strong girls 
  • poetry
  • arts & crafts and hands-on activities of all kinds

{ A little about my posting habits }
Being a mom is hard, y'all. I love my little dude and every moment I get to spend with him ... but he's curious and full of energy, which means I am kept busy keeping him busy. Reading and reviewing is definitely a hobby for me, not a full-time thing (although I wish it was full-time!), so unfortunately sometimes there will be periods of silence on my blog while I get a handle on parenting/life in general. Once I have a second to breathe, I promise I will be back!

I plan to keep this blog going long-term because I do love reading and reviewing so much. But unfortunately, at this stage of life, I just can't make any promises on how often I'll post or any specific time frames for providing reviews. Please know that I will post as often as I can, and I will make my way through my TBR pile as fast as I can!