Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Review: Eight Princesses and a Magic Mirror by Natasha Farrant

https://wwnorton.com/books/9781324015567Eight Princesses and a Magic Mirror
by Natasha Farrant; illustrated by Lydia Corry

Available as: hardcover, Kindle edition, ebook, audiobook
Pages: 224
Publisher: Norton Young Readers
Publication date: May 5, 2020
Suggested tags: young adult, middle grade, fantasy, short stories, strong girls

From the publisher:
"Here are princesses for the Rebel Girls generation: bold, empowered, and determined to be true to themselves.

“Mirror, mirror on the wall . . . what makes a princess excellent?” When an enchantress flings her magic mirror into our universe, its reflection reveals princesses who refuse to be just pretty, polite, and obedient. These are girls determined to do the rescuing themselves. Princess Leila of the desert protects her people from the king with the black-and-gold banner; Princess Tica takes a crocodile for a pet; Princess Ellen explores the high seas; Princess Abayome puts empathy and kindness above being royal; and in a tower block, Princess saves her community’s beloved garden from the hands of urban developers.

Connecting these stories is the magic mirror, which reveals itself when each girl needs it most, illuminating how a princess’s power comes not from her title or beauty, but from her own inner strength. These beautifully imagined stories, complemented by vibrant and inviting artwork, offer the pleasure and familiarity of traditional tales with refreshingly modern themes.

This was absolutely beautiful in every possible way! What a lovely little collection of stories about strong princesses from around the world, connected loosely by a magic mirror that finds its way to each one of them. The synopsis kind of generalizes what each girl does, but these princesses do much more in each of their stories than you could explain in one sentence - they are brave, bright girls with many varied talents, interests, and attributes.

Each story was very different - some more based in fantasy, like the princess who switches places with a fairy, and some are more realistic, like the princess who saves the community garden outside her apartment. Some princesses are focused on family, some want to go adventuring, some stand up bravely against wrongdoings. Honestly, I'm not sure I can pick a favorite - I loved each story and each princess for different reasons.

The time periods and areas these girls come from are rarely specifically identified, but I tried to piece it together based on clues like character names and descriptions of places. There was a medieval princess, a Middle Eastern princess, an African princess, a Latin American princess, and perhaps Russian princesses (definitely reminded me of the Romanovs) who fled to France, but I guessed on the others: Ireland, Scotland, and a big city like New York, maybe?

I can easily see this book being read aloud for bedtime or otherwise, and asked for repeatedly. I've read a lot of collections of stories in the "strong girls/princesses" category, so my expectations for this were not super high, but I was absolutely blown away. I would highly recommend this for any bright, brave, adventurous princess's bookshelf. (And I'll be reading this to my little prince too, when he's old enough.)

Final verdict: I'm obsessed with it! I thought this book was amazing! It's now officially one of my favorite books! I shall be shouting about it from the rooftops for days and I am currently recommending it to everyone I come in contact with!

{ Thank you to Edelweiss+ and the publisher for providing me with a review copy.
My reviews are honest and my opinions are my own; 
your reading experience may vary, so give it a read and see what you think. :) }