Saturday, July 7, 2012

NetGalley Knock Down

I just joined the NetGalley Knock Down, hosted by Pretty Deadly Reviews! The goal is to get through as many books as you can in the month of July on your list of NetGalley-obtained books, if you have a problem with frequent requesting like I do. (*blush*)

Sign up is open till July 14th. Pretty Deadly Reviews is hosting a giveaway as well. Check it out! :)

Here are the NetGalley books I have waiting in my to-read queue:

Realistic goal: I'm hoping to get to at least 4 of these.
Idealistic goal: ALL OF THEM!!!1!! :D


  1. Good luck! Thanks for stopping by my blog and following, I'm following you back!

    Ensconced in YA

    1. Thanks! I'm excited to read them all.

      Thanks for the follow!! :)
