Thursday, September 6, 2012

Meet Caroline, the Newest American Girl

The American Girl books and dolls were a big part of my childhood. When I was growing up, there were still just the original 4 American Girls: Molly, Samantha, Felicity, and Kirsten. I had Molly, who had long brown hair and glasses just like I did. I read all her books over and over and over again, and then I started reading the other girls' books too. The American Girl series introduced me to girls across history who may have had very different lives than I did, but who still dealt with a lot of the same issues that I was facing growing up in the 1990s.

Even though age-wise I outgrew the American Girls a while ago, I still like to keep up with the new girls that join the series. And the newest American Girl is...

Caroline Abbott
- 1812 - 
Meet Caroline
by Kathleen Ernst

Available as: hardcover, paperback, Kindle edition, ebook
Pages: 104
Publisher: American Girl Publishing
Publication Date: September 4, 2012
Suggested tags: middle grade, historical fiction

First in the American Girl: Caroline series. From Goodreads:
"Caroline Abbott is doing what she loves most—sailing on Lake Ontario with Papa—when her world turns upside down. A British officer boards their sloop, announces that Britain and America are at war, and takes her father prisoner. As Papa is led away, Caroline promises him that she will stay strong and steady until he returns. She tries hard to keep her promise by helping Mama run the family’s shipyard. Then the British attack her village and it looks as if the American side is in trouble. Can Caroline stay steady enough to help win the day?

Includes an illustrated "Looking Back" essay about America in 1812.

Other books in Caroline's series include:

Learn more about Caroline on the American Girl website!

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