Monday, March 30, 2020

Social distancing update

Hello fellow readers :)

Wow, crazy how much things can change in just a few weeks, isn't it? We are under a "stay at home" order where I live in the US - we can leave for essentials like groceries, but otherwise we're supposed to stay home. So that's what we've been doing.

My husband is a teacher so he's doing live lectures from home now. This leaves me to try to entertain our toddler outside for a few hours at a time so we don't bother him and his students. So far we're all doing fine - our little guy is kind of frustrated that he can't go out to all his favorite places having adventures like we usually do, but we're all still happy and healthy - which I am grateful for every day.

I haven't had much down time to pick up a book, let alone write reviews and do all the posts I want to be doing. We were just taking things day by day, trying to come up with new activities to keep us all entertained... but now that my husband is teaching live online, we're all having to figure out how this is going to work and come up with a new routine. I probably won't be posting much until we get everybody settled in that... but I'll be back as soon as I can!

Wishing you and your families health and happiness during these strange times. <3

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