Monday, April 20, 2020

Picture Books to Celebrate National Park Week

I've been deep in quarantine mode for a while now, trying to entertain our little guy while my husband works from home, but I'm finally starting to find some time in the day to do a little reading. And when I saw that this week was National Park Week, I knew this was the perfect time to jump back into blogging! I love being outdoors, especially when I get the chance to visit National Parks, and I've got a long list of children's books about National Parks that are on my TBR. So I wanted to start celebrating National Park Week by sharing some of these with you!

NPS has a checklist of 20 ways to celebrate National Park Week virtually, including:

They also have a theme for each day of National Park Week:

I'm so excited to celebrate National Park Week! I'll be checking out all their virtual offerings, and I'm planning to read whatever National Park ebooks I can get my hands on through my library. I'll be sharing some books on my own TBR each day. To start with, here are some of the picture books on my list I'm most excited to read. Let me know what you'll be reading to celebrate!

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